
Friday, December 5, 2014

Math Targets/Strategies

1.  I can use a letter to represent an unknown.
            ex.  6x7=a,  4xM=24,  72¸8=B,  81¸C=9

·       2.  I can solve to find the value of the unknown.

·         3. I can break a hard multiplication fact into 2 easier multiplication facts to solve the equation.
o   ex. 7x8=A
A.  Break 7 apart into a 5 and a 2
B. Use the distributive property and multiply both by 8
 40  +  16   =  56
                      A =  56
·        4.  I can solve x9 facts using x10-n
o   Ex. 9x6=T
           60   -   6   =T

*Most students are getting comfortable with these strategies. They still tend to want to draw out 7 groups and put 8 dots in the groups and then count the dots to solve 7x8=A. I am gently nudging them toward breaking apart one factor as shown above. It is a more efficient strategy. The circle and dots does work, it just has a lot of room for error (drawing and counting 56 dots accurately). Many students like using the x10 fact and subtracting a group to help them solve x9 facts.*

Monday, November 24, 2014

Never Give Up

I love this. It is great inspiration to never give up...keep and keep going...persevere.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Join my Remind Group

What is Remind?
*Remind is a free, safe, easy-to-use communication tool that helps teachers connect instantly with students and parents.

Why is it safe?
*Remind messages are not sent from personal cell phone numbers. Students/parents who sign up to get messages through Remind will never gain access to a teacher's personal cell phone number, nor will the teacher ever have access to a student or parent's personal information. Students and parents opt themselves into messages. The teacher does not add them.
*All Remind messages must go to at least 3 subscribers. This precaution is in place to keep teachers from communicating directly with only one student or parent.
*A log of all messages are kept in the teacher's account and on the Remind server. They can never be edited or deleted.

How do I join Mrs. Bonsen's Remind account?
*If you want to join my Remind account and receive reminders from me, simply go to the website below and follow the directions that are given. Remember, reminders can be sent as text messages or emails. Please choose the format that will work the best for you.

How often will I be getting reminders from Mrs. Bonsen?
*This is a new tool to me. I've only sent one message so far this year. I would like to use it more, but I have to become more familiar with it and make it part of my routine.

How will I know if I've already signed up for Mrs. Bonsen's Remind account?
*You will know you're already signed up because you would have received a message from me tonight, Wednesday, November 19th, at about 7:45.  If you got that message, you're signed up! If you didn't get that message, you're not signed up.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Parent Volunteers Needed

Technology Help: Mrs. Carney is looking for a volunteer to help her monitor student blogging. This person would need to check the blogging several times a week and alert Mrs. Carney if/when there is anything inappropriate being said. The parent volunteer would also respond to student blogs 2-3 times per week. Please let me know if this sounds like something you might like to do.

Classroom Helper: I am looking for someone who would be able to come in on Fridays and help with with things like correcting homework, grading papers, and making copies. Please let me know if this is something you would like to do. Classroom helpers need to have a current volunteer form turned in and completed before volunteering in the classroom can occur.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Leader of the Pack

Nathan is our first Leader of the Pack. Mr. Darling came in and recognized him in front of the class. He is being recognized for his willingness to guess and go in his writing. He underlines words he isn't sure of, and when his writing is done, he goes back and fixes his mistakes using his Quickword dictionary.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Recognition Award Winners

Congrats to our winners. 
Front row: Kira (citizenship), Alex (citizenship), Tony (effort)
Back row: Adley (achievement), Macie (effort), Uriah (achievement)

Halloween Information


Costumes: Students are allowed to wear costumes, however costumes should not interfere with students’ learning. Because of this, students should not wear masks or bring props to school. No weapons, blood, or gore is allowed. If your child rides the bus, it is important they he/she be able to get on and get off the bus safely.

Party: Because of our short day, we will have limited time for a Halloween party. We will be able to have a few treats and play 1 or 2 games. There is a sign-up sheet attached to this packet to sign up for Halloween treats. 

Harvest Carnival:  PTO is hosting a Harvest Carnival. It will be on November 1, 2014 from 12-2pm in the Lince Gym. You are welcome to wear your costume. Games will include Pumpking Bowling, Bounce House, Face Painting, Cupcake Walk, and more. Admission is free and games cost 1 ticket (1 ticket = 50 cents).  There will also be food for sale and prizes for all!

Book Fair Days and Times

Bookfair days/hours October 27th-30th
Monday 3:10pm -3:40pm
Tuesday 8:00am -3:30pm
Wednesday 8:00am -3:30pm
 Thursday 8:00am -7:00pm

Students are welcome to come in the morning before school if they have a parent with them, or they have their bookfair order slip with their choices and their money. Before school will not be a time for students to browse for books. It gets too crowded, busy and hard to monitor. Students will have time to browse during their library time.

Friday, October 10, 2014

First Quarter AR Goals

Congratulations to the 13 students who met their first quarter goal! Look at all those fist at the right side of the board!!!

We have now moved on to the second quarter goal, which will end December 19. This quarter's goal is 18 points.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fun at McTeacher Night!!

These glasses were the prize in the Happy Meal. We had fun trying them on!
 Adley and Macie
 My daughter Maile and Macie
 Don't these glasses look great on me?!?!?!?
Maile and me
Special thanks to our photographer Scott for the first 3 pictures.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Holiday Programs

Tues, Dec. 16
Group 1, 11:00-11:30 = Munson, Cleave, Roberts, Blount, Dwinell
Group 2, 1:00-1:30 = All first grades (Watson, Mouritsen, Anglin, Segraves, Matthews)
Group 3, 2:00-2:30 = Weiss, Grant, Sogge, Rose

Wed. Dec. 17
Group 4, 11:00-11:30  Richardson, Tullis, Hussell, Smith, Cleem
Group 5, 1:00-1:30 = All 3rd grades (Ladd, Skeen, Bonsen, Nevue, Kerslake)
Group 6, 2:00-2:30 = Jahns, Jump, Maybee, Erickson

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Read to self time

Macie found a quiet nook.
Uriah enjoys the comfy, blue chair.
Adley chose to read at her desk.
Joseph enjoying a good book at his desk.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I love this quote, and I so enjoyed listening to a TedTalk by this speaker. I would have loved to have heard her in person. I want to keep this in the forefront of my mind this year. They are such powerful words.
(photo credit to

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Science journals!!

Students are doing a scientific drawing of a plant. It is a pre-assessment of their learning. It helps me to see what they already know about plants. Students are to draw, color, and label all the parts of their plant. We leave the following page blank. At the end of the unit, they make another scientific drawing of a plant. Then we compare their pre and post drawings. Students are always so excited to see how much more detailed their post-drawings is very clear to them how much they have learned!
Alex is adding labels to his scientific drawing of a plant.
David and Gavin are also adding labels to their scientific drawings.
         Nailani is adding color to her scientific drawing. All scientific drawings have to follow the ABCD expectation...that is they have to be Accurate, Big, Colorful, and Detailed with labels.
Bella, Madi, and Isaac are making scientific drawings about the actual plants they are growing. Since we don't have cameras to take pictures and record the plants' growth, we have to record it with a drawing.
Tony, Lisa, and Adley are working hard to do the best scientific drawing of their plants that they can.
Nailani, Mia, Josiah, and Uriah are in various stages of creating their scientific drawing of their plants.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

My Third Grade Team

Couldn't do this job without them!

Homework help

Hopefully this picture will help you with any questions about number bonds or the count by strategy from homework lesson 5.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Upcoming Learning

Reading: We have been discussing the idea of realism and fantasy with our story Boom Town. Students can determine if a story is realistic or fantasy and give evidence to support their thinking.

Writing: Currently we are writing acrostic poems to display during Open House. Next we will focus on identifying parts of speech such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs and also giving examples of each. Eventually, students will be required to use all of these parts of speech in 3 different kids of sentences: simple, complex, and compound.

Math: We are building the foundation for multiplication and division. Students are beginning to understand that multiplication is using equal groups to find a total. Division is taking a total and separating it into either 1) equal groups or 2) an equal number in each group.

Science: Our science unit is called Plant Growth and Development. We plant seeds soon, watch them as they grow into plants, and travel through the entire life cycle.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Class Talent Chain

This is our class talent chain.

We are all good at some things. At times, we may struggle. The chain reminds us that even when we struggle, we still have talents, and with hard work and perseverance, we will overcome our struggle. Also, it reminds us we are all linked together, and we have to work together to make sure everyone is successful. As a team, no one is done learning until we all understand.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Our Classroom Schedule

Monday: Late Arrival, school begins 9:55

               Music 1:40-2:35

Tuesday: Library 8:40-9:25

Wednesday: PE 8:40-9:25

Thursday: Computer Lab 8:40-9:25

Friday: Technology 8:40-9:25

Lunch is from 12:05-12:50

Recess is from 10:10-10:25

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Welcome Back Night!

I hope everyone is able to come to our Welcome Back Night on August 21st from 5:00-6:00. The Lince PTO will be hosting an ice cream social from 5:30-6:15.