
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Join my Remind Group

What is Remind?
*Remind is a free, safe, easy-to-use communication tool that helps teachers connect instantly with students and parents.

Why is it safe?
*Remind messages are not sent from personal cell phone numbers. Students/parents who sign up to get messages through Remind will never gain access to a teacher's personal cell phone number, nor will the teacher ever have access to a student or parent's personal information. Students and parents opt themselves into messages. The teacher does not add them.
*All Remind messages must go to at least 3 subscribers. This precaution is in place to keep teachers from communicating directly with only one student or parent.
*A log of all messages are kept in the teacher's account and on the Remind server. They can never be edited or deleted.

How do I join Mrs. Bonsen's Remind account?
*If you want to join my Remind account and receive reminders from me, simply go to the website below and follow the directions that are given. Remember, reminders can be sent as text messages or emails. Please choose the format that will work the best for you.

How often will I be getting reminders from Mrs. Bonsen?
*This is a new tool to me. I've only sent one message so far this year. I would like to use it more, but I have to become more familiar with it and make it part of my routine.

How will I know if I've already signed up for Mrs. Bonsen's Remind account?
*You will know you're already signed up because you would have received a message from me tonight, Wednesday, November 19th, at about 7:45.  If you got that message, you're signed up! If you didn't get that message, you're not signed up.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts! And I'd never heard of Remind messages. Very cool.
