
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Upcoming Learning

Reading: We have been discussing the idea of realism and fantasy with our story Boom Town. Students can determine if a story is realistic or fantasy and give evidence to support their thinking.

Writing: Currently we are writing acrostic poems to display during Open House. Next we will focus on identifying parts of speech such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs and also giving examples of each. Eventually, students will be required to use all of these parts of speech in 3 different kids of sentences: simple, complex, and compound.

Math: We are building the foundation for multiplication and division. Students are beginning to understand that multiplication is using equal groups to find a total. Division is taking a total and separating it into either 1) equal groups or 2) an equal number in each group.

Science: Our science unit is called Plant Growth and Development. We plant seeds soon, watch them as they grow into plants, and travel through the entire life cycle.


  1. Hi my is William Seevers, I am tring to help Lisa with her math homework. It might be that I am use to college level math but my I have no clue as to what a Number bond is or a count-by, as these were not around when I was in school.

    1. Thank you William for your comment. I will do my best to answer it. First, in the pile of papers Lisa brought home there should have been a homework packet as well as papers she completed in class. In those papers there should be Problem Set worksheets that are the same color and the same lesson number as the homework papers. If you and Lisa look at those, at the same time she is doing her homework, it should be fairly similar types of problems. Hopefully that will answer some of your questions. I will also post a picture of what a number bond and count by strategy look like on this blog, so please check for that as well. Good Luck! As always, if Lisa still has questions, she can always bring her homework to school, I can help her, and then she can bring it back home to finish.
