
Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Class Story

Here is a story we wrote together as a class. We are learning how to make a good plan with a quick sketch and quick notes first. Then we take the plan and carefully write a good beginning that focuses on one of four strategies - introduce the character, describe the when of the story, describe the where of the story, or begin with an action. We then use the plan to flesh out the action (the problem or significant even in the middle). Finally, we write a satisfying ending that solves the problem, provides resolution to the situation, or expresses feelings about the significant even of the story. Other components for our story include planning limited dialogue in our story by sketching out a speech bubble in our plan, including descriptive adjectives to describe characters and setting, and using strong verbs in our action.

We hope you enjoy our story. Look to see if you can see the components listed above in the story below.

Shark Attack!!
By Mrs.Bonsen’s class, 2-4-15

       Deep in the warm, Hawaiiann ocean waters lived a beautiful mermaid named Alex. She had long brown hair, blue eyes, and a green tail. She loved seaweed – she loved to eat it, play with it, and wear it in her hair for decoration. She was a very nice and kind mermaid who loved animals. Her very best friend was a dolphin named Blue. They loved to play hide and seek together.
       One day at lunchtime, Alex couldn’t find Blue. They always ate lunch together. Alex was sad that Blue was gone, so she shouted, “Blue, where are you?”
       What Alex didn’t know was that a huge, mean shark named Haley had eaten Blue for lunch. Haley was so hungry that she ate Blue in one big gulp! Haley had found Blue swimming far from the school when she had been playing hide and seek during recess. Blue had been looking for a new hiding spot.
       Haley had been feeling pretty guilty about eating Blue. She decided to spit Blue back out. Blue was so happy to be out of Haley the shark that she swam quickly to find her friend Alex. She told Alex what had happened, and Alex was upset. Alex and Blue hurried to find Haley. When they found her, they confronted the shark. Haley felt so bad, so she said, “Sorry! I was super hungry, and I made a mistake. It will never happen again!” Blue forgave Haley. The three creatures decided to be friends. They swam off together to find a good lunch for Haley.

Here is what our plan looked like - notice the quick sketch on the left and the quick notes on the right.

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