
Friday, December 5, 2014

Math Targets/Strategies

1.  I can use a letter to represent an unknown.
            ex.  6x7=a,  4xM=24,  72¸8=B,  81¸C=9

·       2.  I can solve to find the value of the unknown.

·         3. I can break a hard multiplication fact into 2 easier multiplication facts to solve the equation.
o   ex. 7x8=A
A.  Break 7 apart into a 5 and a 2
B. Use the distributive property and multiply both by 8
 40  +  16   =  56
                      A =  56
·        4.  I can solve x9 facts using x10-n
o   Ex. 9x6=T
           60   -   6   =T

*Most students are getting comfortable with these strategies. They still tend to want to draw out 7 groups and put 8 dots in the groups and then count the dots to solve 7x8=A. I am gently nudging them toward breaking apart one factor as shown above. It is a more efficient strategy. The circle and dots does work, it just has a lot of room for error (drawing and counting 56 dots accurately). Many students like using the x10 fact and subtracting a group to help them solve x9 facts.*